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Cybersecurity: Are you Secure?

Businessman logging into tablet

Cybersecurity needs to be top of mind in the digital age. It’s normal for us to see people walking up and down streets with their phone in their hands. They’re either talking on the phone, texting someone, or looking through an app of some sort. And with technology becoming more advanced as time goes on, we will only be seeing much more of this. Various information, such as our credit card numbers, account passwords, and even our current location, can all be found by going through our phones. You wouldn’t want someone to get their hands on this information and have it become available for anyone to use. This is what we use cybersecurity for. Cybersecurity protects your personal information from potential hackers. Are you cybersecure? Do you know how to be cybersecure? If not, then here are some helpful tips:

Secure Your Passwords

Next, people commonly have the same behavior when it comes to passwords; they write them down, they use the same password for every account, they keep it simple, etc. In addition to, if your password is just “password” or “guest,” then congrats on having the most common passwords out there. Your passwords should be complex and hard for hackers to pick out. Capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols (i.e. !@#$%&) should be used in each password made. The more complex your password is, the better your password is, which means your information is that much safer.

Authentication Methods Improve Cybersecurity

Also, many websites require you to authenticate yourself or verify who you are before proceeding on with the site. But for some of our devices and accounts, it is an optional yet highly recommended setting that you can turn on. Having this extra step to get to your information will help you be more protected in the event of some type of security breach. There are numerous methods of authentication that you could use. One such method is to use a confirmation email, which is an email sent to you while attempting to access an account that contains a link for you click on. This link will verify that the person logging on is you, allowing you to proceed to your account. Another method is to use a temporary code that is texted to your phone. The codes usually last for about a minute at a time before becoming useless to help prevent other people from gaining access to your account. In the case of some automated program trying to access your information, you could use a captcha. This will require the user to type in some letters or numbers that “robots” can’t read. Having authentication requirements on your accounts such as confirmation emails, temporary codes and CAPTCHAs will make all of your personal information much safer.

Keep All Programs and Applications Up to Date

Over time, hackers can figure out ways to easily break into old programs. By keeping programs and applications up to date, the hackers will need to relearn how to break into these programs thanks to new security measures that may be in place. This is a very simple security measure and it will make that much of a difference in your cybersecurity.

Be Careful About Your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Connections

These sneaky methods of hacking are very dangerous to your devices. When connecting to a Wi-Fi network, make sure that you connect only to trustworthy ones. Therefore, connecting to a random Wi-Fi network could potentially give a hacker access to your device and your information. This also goes for Bluetooth connections. If you connect to a random device on Bluetooth, it could also give hackers access to your information. Because devices may also connect to you automatically, it might be best if you turn off your Bluetooth connectivity when not in use. By being careful about your connections, your personal information will be that much safer.

Take Care of What You Post on Social Media

People love to post pictures and statuses on social media to see what other people think. As a result, you have to be careful of what you post and where you post it. Be sure to keep your social media accounts set to private. If set to public viewing, anyone could be reading what you post. For example, if someone you don’t know sees that you’re going on vacation soon, it would tell them that your home is free to rob while you’re gone. Be wary of what you post and make sure your account settings are safe enough to your liking, as these settings may help prevent a real-life security breach on your personal belongings.

Businesswoman looking at phone while on laptop computer

In conclusion, These tips will help you stay safe from cyber attacks on your phones and computers. Hopefully you will take them into consideration and double check your devices to make sure you’re safe from any hackers. By doing that, your personal information will be much safer and you will be much more cybersecure!



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